Greetings Fellow Foodies'
As the sun starts to make its appearance, I believe there is some kind of internal clock that goes off in avid readers that screams: "It's time to read, read, read!" Not only is it time for BBQ's, trips to the lake, and vacations but Summer is the season for reading! This is why I will begin recommending food related books to you every week. All of which will be available for purchase at Garfield Book Company!
Below is a list of books that came out today. They are a diverse group of fiction, memoir, and non-fiction. I hope you enjoy. Also, if you do read one of my recommendations I would love to hear your reviews.
My Life from Scratch by Gesine Bullock-Prado
“A sweet memoir that will have you devouring every savory morsel like the macaroons that put author Gesine Bullock-Prado on the foodies’ map of the world.” Times Argus
Big Appetite: My Southern-Fried Search for the Meaning of Life by Sam McLeod
“This is a delicious book full of the finest kind of love stories about family, friends, and food.
I can’t wait to make those chicken and dumplings." –Celia Rivenbark, author of You Can’t Drink All Day if You Don’t Start in the Morning
Medium Raw: A Bloody Valentine to the World of Food and the People Who Cook by Anthony Bourdain
“The kind of book you read in one sitting, then rush about annoying your coworkers by declaiming whole passages. Bourdain captures the world of restaurants and professionally cooked food in all its theatrical, demented glory.”
Mediterranean Harvest: Vegetarian Recipes from the World’s Healthiest Cuisine by Martha Rose Shulman
“Martha Rose Shulman understand who those of us who care about food today are drawn to the sun drenched cuisine of the
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