Have you ever fe

lt like the trip to the store to buy dinner was a huge inconvenience? Unfortunately, we have become so in-tuned with instant gratification we have forgotten the value of a home cooked meal. This is exactly what local author Langdon Cook is trying to address in his book
Fat of the Lang: Adventures of a 21st Century Forager. However, Langdon takes home cooked meals a little bit further by foraging for his food! That's right he goes out in the woods, ocean, lake, etc and finds his dinner from the land! Who has that kind of time anymore right? Wrong! In his book Langdon explains how the art of foraging and living off the land is not as hard and time consuming as it may seem to be. Not t

o mention that is healthier and more sustainable then what we go buy in boxes at the grocery store.
Are you curious yet? We sure hope so because
Langdon Cook will be making
an appearance at Garfield Book Company on Thursday March 4th at 7pm. You don't need to be comptemplating foraging in your future to enjoy an author event like this. Langdon Cook's stories on foraging alone will be entertaining enough so please step outside your box and join us for an interesting and intriguing night that will make you think twice before buying that frozen food for dinner.
Landgon Cook has a blog just like this one in which he details his foraging expeditions. Check it out at
http://fat-of-the-land.blogspot.com/Literary Spotlight Series: Langdon Cook
Thursday, March 4th, 7pm
Garfield Book Company
208 Garfield St., Suite 101
Tacoma, WA 98444
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